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With this contest, the Department of Culture pays homage to the artist Caravaqueño, painter of Chamber of Isabel II, considered one of the great portraitists of the nineteenth century

Source: Caravaca de la Cruz Town Hall

11/09/17. The Department of Culture of the city Council of Caravaca de la Cruz convenes the second edition of the open-air painting contest ' Rafael Tejeo ', for new painters, professionals and fans enjoy a day of coexistence dedicated to painting, based on Themes and landscapes of Caravaca de la Cruz.

The inscription can be made as of today, Monday 11 of September, and until the 21 of October, date of the celebration of the contest, in the dependencies of the Municipal library and the Informajoven, from 9.00 to 14.00 and from 16.00 to 21.00 hours. It can also be formalized via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., by name of participant and contact telephone.

The contest is open to artists of any kind, who can participate in a single work, which must be unique, original and unpublished. The rules establish two categories: children (from 6 to 15 years), which will have a first prize of 200 euros exchangeable for school material and a runner-up of 100 euros, and category for over 16 years from now, with a first prize endowed with 1,000 euros and a runner-up of the jury of 250 euros. With all the works presented to this contest, the Department of Culture will take place from November 6th to 17th an exhibition at the Museo Carrilero.

style and technique will be free and the theme chosen by the artist should be related to natural landscapes, everyday scenes and urban settings of Caravaca de la Cruz. It will be obligatory to present the work in rigid support to facilitate its exposure, in addition each participant must be provided with the necessary material to execute it.

The rules are available for consultation in and in the Diptychs edited by the Department of Culture on the occasion of the call for the second edition of the contest.

The town Council of Caravaca de la Cruz began last year this contest, with which it pays homage to the artist Caravaqueño Rafael Tejeo, painter of Chamber of Isabel II, considered one of the great portraitists of the first half of the nineteenth century. In its first edition, the winner was Alberto Márquez Ruiz, from the Alicante municipality of Pilar de la Horadada. The runner-up was for the painter Alcoyano David Pacrabal Aguado and the prize of the Infantile category was awarded ' ex aequo ' to Elena Gutiérrez Sánchez and Ana Guillén López.





Source: Caravaca de la Cruz Town Hall

07/09/17. The 16th and 17th of September will take place the regatta ' Punta Este Caravaca Jubilee Year 2017 ', with nearly 80 boats, some of which have competed in the Copa del Rey.

The presentation of this sporting event has been held at the Estrella Levante Factory, the main sponsor of the event and patron of the Camino de la Cruz Foundation, with the presence of the mayor of Caravaca de la Cruz, José Moreno, who has thanked his director General, Patricio Valverde, this initiative that continues to promote the Jubilee year 2017 and the municipality as a tourist destination.

“Punta Este Caravaca Jubilee year 2017” will be the regatta that brings a greater number of boats in Murcian waters this nautical season. In addition, it will have a solidarity character, since the inscription of the boats is allotted entirely to the association of Relatives of Persons with disabilities of the North-West Region (APCOM).

The regatta will have, like last year, two simultaneous departures from the clubs of Torrevieja and Cartagena, and final in Cabo de Palos in a first stage. The second stage culminates in San Pedro del Pinatar, which will be the final point. All participants, after completing the regatta, are invited to make a joint pilgrimage to Caravaca de la Cruz on the occasion of the jubilee year 2017.

The II Regatta Punta Este counts in its organization with the nautical clubs of Torrevieja, Villa San Pedro, Puerto Tomás Maestre de La Manga (San Javier) and the Real Club of regattas of Cartagena and the collaboration of other nautical clubs, Santa Pola, Campoamor, Salinas, Torre de la Horadada, Cabo de Palos, Águilas and the Club of Mazarrón, in addition to the support of the sailing federations of Murcia and Valencia.

The event, scheduled on the occasion of the year 2017, retirement will take place this Saturday, with the 'Discantus' coral and the OSUCAM Orchestra, along with the sopranos Victoria Gonzalez and Sancho Sun



source: Caravaca de la Cruz Town Hall

06/09/17. The ministries of tourism and culture of the municipality of Caravaca de la Cruz held the East Saturday, September 9, the concert of sacred music 'Andante with joy', with the Murcia 'Discantus' coral and the OSUCAM Chamber Orchestra of the Catholic University San Antonio, under the direction of Angel L. Carrillo.

The concert - which will take place at 21.00 hours, in the parish church of El Salvador, with access free - it will also feature the participation of Victoria Gonzalez Pacanowska soprano and mezzo-soprano Sun Sancho Gomez. "This cultural event is held on the occasion of the Jubilee year 2017, on the day before the start of Vera Cruz and the quinary solemn of the exaltation of the Holy", said Councillor for tourism, Gloria Gómez, who wanted to "encourage all neighbours and visitors to be" join public this concert special, which you can listen to one of the most outstanding choral music formations of the panorama national e international, accompanied by a magnificent Chamber Orchestra".

The first part of the concert will be devoted to the composer Antonio Vivaldi and his work 'Glory'. In the second part, the voices and the Orchestra will perform 'Mass retirement', composition of Caravaca Francisco Javier Sánchez Canto, released in 2003. The concert will close with the premiere of 'The birthright of nothing', work of Francisco Javier song, composed this year, based on the poem with the same name of the Caravaca also Bernabé de el Toro.

Coral 'Discantus', after twenty-three seasons of hard work, has become a musical entity of first level, offering concerts in China, United States, Argentina, Poland, Germany, Portugal, Italy, France and throughout Spanish. He has won prizes in national and international competitions, highlighting his

silver in the Olympics International Xiamen corals (China) and the 2011 Promusica Award for his educational work with young people. In its early discography, has fourteen albums from the most varied styles, both classic and modern, murcian folklore, carols, educational editions for text books, etc.



Coinciding with the year Jubilee in 2017, is 768 kilometers by bike, to collaborate with the Association of Asperger's Salamanca

Source: Caravaca de la Cruz Town Hall

07/09/17. Coinciding with the Jubilee 2017 year, Luis Montero Merino is a solidarity pilgrimage, from the Salamanca municipality of Alba de Tormes to Caravaca de la Cruz. This cyclist aims to raise funds for the Association of Asperger's Salamanca.

Is provided for Luis Montero get to Caravaca de la Cruz on September 14, after completing a total distance 768 kilometers throughout eight stages which have as Alba de Tormes, Ávila, Torrijos, Tembleque, El Provencio, Alcaraz, Letur and Caravaca.

Luis Montero launches bike this tour and will donate all revenue to the Association. Work is 'buy' kilometers, bringing between 2 and 5 euros per kilometre performed. For example, if you want to buy 4 kilometers to five euros each will have to make an income of 20 euros by the concept '4 KM donation'. Income which shall be carried out on the account of the Association Asperger Salamanca of the Caixa, in the Picasso Park (not carry commissions), 2100 5887 47 0200037658 ES85.

"My two passions are mountain biking and my faith through Holy week. After having done the Camino de Santiago twice, I decided to undertake something different. "My intention is to unite three routes in one: Teresian road, Camino de Santiago and way of Caravaca de la Cruz", explains the actor.

"The first two routes will be the reverse of as usually do, because this time I head South." I will do this route alone and without external support. "The budget, i.e. my own expenses, will be funded by my entirely, none of the contributions will be used as a resource for the route", adds.

From the Department of tourism of the municipality of Caravaca have wished luck to Luis Montero and have congratulated him for this initiative, which unites solidarity, sport and tourism, since in addition to collaborating with

the Association of Asperger's Salamanca, you are making a promotion of the Jubilee year 2017 by many points of the Spanish geography. The Mayor of Salamanca, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, received it on Tuesday morning to meet this charity project and move you mood to face the long journey.

The sample, integrated into the Plan of exhibition spaces, opens tomorrow, Friday, at 20.00 pm in the Casa de la Cultura





 Bibliograghy: Caravaca de la Cruz Town Hall

31/08/17. The Exhibition Hall of the Casa de la Cultura Sonia Muñoz reopens its doors with the "Art and photography", exhibition of the artist yecla. The exhibition, made up of a collection of images that recreate famous works of the baroque painting, opens tomorrow, Friday, September 1, at 20.00 hours.

This exhibition becomes the town thanks to the collaboration between Department of culture of the municipality of Caravaca de la Cruz and the Institute of cultural industries and the Arts (ICA) in the Region of Murcia, through the Plan of exhibition spaces, which takes the production of various artists from the Region to municipal halls.

Sonia Muñoz recreates, through photography, paintings of great artists of the history of art, such as 'El Greco' or Goya. Most are portraits taken with members of the Association of Yecla 'Affected by Cancer' (AYAC), who posed as models for this work of art. 'Old woman cooking eggs', 'La maja vestida', 'Lunch of peasants' or 'The nobleman with his hand on the chest' are some of the pictures which are based on the 15 works that the artist presents in Caravaca de la Cruz.

Sonia Muñoz (Yecla, 1994) is the daughter of photographer and since 2007 is professionally engaged in this artistic discipline. Currently, it reconciles her work as a 'freelance' photographer with the teaching, teaching photography courses in the provinces of Murcia and Alicante. He has made exhibitions in Madrid and in different municipalities of the Region.

The exhibition will remain open to the public until September 29, from Monday to Friday, 18.00 to 21.00 hours.